Going Within

Going Within

Moving Beyond Suffering

I’ve consciously decided that I no longer need to learn ‘the hard way’. I’ve consciously decided that the ‘hard way’ is an old way. It’s an old belief that I needed to suffer, to struggle, to hit rock bottom before picking myself up. This ancient belief is finished.

I know I am the creator of my life. Through my thoughts and then words and deeds, I orchestrate my composition. I control me. Full stop. Therefore, I control my reaction to all events that occur around me. Full stop.

I also know that past struggles have served me well. I am a victim of nothing. I am a survivor of nothing. I am a victor. Not VICTim or survivOR but victor.

I love wordplay and can feel I am getting ready to write another book. Ideas jump off pages. An all knowing narrator is captivating my attention. How will this unfold? I am not yet certain. I just know that it will. And the words will flow. When they are ready. Currently, they are forming, building into a current that will flow when the time is right. I am not in charge of that process, simply the willing servant of my fingers, the keyboard and the conscious decision to go within and give it the time it needs.

Giving the process it’s allotted time is perhaps the one choice that requires self-discipline. Amongst all the possible things I could do with my time, giving it to writing a book is, itself, an act of loving and serving others. Why else write a book if not to share? It’s being of service in a selfless way. I write for myself but I share it with others.

As things shift there is a new learning in front of me: releasing attachment to outcome. Creating for the glorious opportunity of full self-expression of unity consciousness. I am excited to be alive at this time in history. I feel this new consciousness when I gather with others to discuss Conversations with Chloe. We are all evolving. Past suffering. Past duality. Past victimhhood and survivorhood.  

And it all started by going within.

One thought on “Going Within

  1. Victor….I absolutely love it!! We are all here to connect, exchange and soulfully nourish one another. Thanks for being the awesome YOU that you are Andrea!! xx

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