Live One Vibrational Energy

Live One Vibrational Energy

People ask me how I managed to create a company with very little money, no experience and three young mouths to feed. I certainly didn’t do it alone. I had a great product and most especially, a great team. How to turn a group of individuals with cultural baggage, language barriers and limiting beliefs about their own capacities into a formidable team that accomplished great things on a shoestring budget?

I loved them. Truly. Authentically. Self-esteem went through the roof. So did results.

Loving them meant connecting their vibrational energy to mine. It meant creating a vision and a mission that everyone could resonate with. And then modelling that vision. It meant allowing each individual to interpret that energetic link in their own way. Some did it by mentoring new arrivals. Some by inspired innovation.  Some cooked a staff lunch on Fridays. And some didn’t do anything. They just showed up every day, loyal and enthusiastic.

We know that love is the way to transform any challenge into flow. And flow is where the sweetness happens, where time stands still and a task becomes shared accomplishment and its own reward. How to get there? Start with one small gesture. I started by giving each employee a hug every morning.  For my Indian chef who spoke only a handful of English and who could not accept to be hugged, we heartily shook hands and smiled at each other a lot. He was a master of mathematics and a brilliant chef. He didn't need many words.

The company’s sold and I’ve moved on to be of service to offer sound meditations and spiritual guidance. It isn’t that different from running Grandma Emily’s. I listen. I help an individual reach a bit higher and farther and most especially, I love them. Rather than transform oats and honey, I'm helping in the transformation of lives.

The first person I needed to transform to accomplish any of the above was myself and that's where the picture comes in. That phrase ' I am unique and valuable and have unlimited potential' was downloaded to me by my Grandmother Emily back in 1999 as I was going through a carwash.  I hastily scribbled it down and began saying it over and over and over.  It helped me transform my doubts and believe in myself.  It helped then and it still does now. I printed up 500 cards and handed them out.  Then another 500.  One small phrase that helps. That's how we did it - one gesture, one step at a time.  We only knew the next step and we took it, boldly.

If you'd like a card, send me your address and I'll mail you one.

Andrea Rose