The Invisible World

The taking over of a human being by entities that are discarnate – is real. We need to know that most possession is not ‘dark energy’ possession. It is possession by people who have died and who, for many reasons, have not moved on to the light and the healing that awaits them. They can be a nuisance. They can create phenomenon known as hauntings and they can bring discomfort, imbalance, physical illness and even mental illness.
We need to know that another type of possession is also real. It is possession by dark forces that have the goal of creating hate, fear and chaos in our world. This type of occurrence, although not as common as possession by spirits who haven’t moved on, is evidenced by the atrocities people commit against each other.
These entities attach themselves to those who are vulnerable. Vulnerability comes from addictions, fearful thinking, soul loss. These entities can take over, causing people to do unspeakable acts of violence against others.
When asking spirit about possession, about what is going on when an entity grabs hold of a human will, I received this:
I will attempt to explain in terms you can comprehend. Many entities wish to remain in human form. In doing so, they don’t need to progress or heal or grow. They eventually will since all souls eventually move along their path but they can in a way, delay the process by clinging close to that plane of consciousness and piggy backing or possessing a human form.
First there needs to be an opening in the human aura for the entity to latch on. This can happen in many ways. It can be trauma in the birth canal during birth. It can be a sports injury, especially one to the head. It can be from drug use which destabilizes the body’s defences against possession. Beware of recreational drugs. It can be simply that the entity is already with the human from other lifetimes and the mission is not yet complete. Possession is real. As real as your nose. As real as the sun rises each day. Possession comprises two parties that do collaborate on some level. Hard to believe that such a dynamic is collaborative but it is.
Can a perfectly normal human being become possessed without warning?
Yes. However, this is rare because the human will reject the thoughts of the entity, reject the destructiveness and the rage in favour of healing and wellness. They will, in fact, do everything they can to get rid of the entity. Since entities want to latch on, they go to the lowest hanging fruit, so to speak. Easier to latch on to someone who is wide open and vulnerable rather than someone who is solid, grounded, healthy in their body, mind and spirit. They are attracted to those who are less healthy, less grounded. They look for humans with less integrity of mind as well. Those who will shoplift, cheat on an exam, steal from their mother’s purse, kick a dog, spend their inheritance on drugs, walk out of the exam room before completing the test thereby flunking out and sinking into denial and despair. Emotions such as hopelessness and despair go a long way to assisting these entities to find homes on earth.
To learn more, check out Hans Wilhelm’s video
On page 9 of Dr. Carl Wickland’s seminal book Thirty Years Among the Dead, originally published in 1924, Wickland writes:
'Humanity is surrounded by the thought influence of millions of discarnate beings, who have not yet arrived at a full realization of life's higher purposes. A recognition of this fact accounts for a great portion of unbidden thoughts, emotions, strange forebodings, gloomy moods, irritabilities, unreasonable impulses, irrational outbursts of temper, uncontrollable infatuations and countless other mental vagaries. The records of spirit obsession and possession extend from remotest antiquity to modern times'.
Take a leap beyond our belief system. Learn about how the world really works and how much more is going on than meets the eye. The key, as always, is to do so from a place of love, not fear. Where there is light, darkness cannot take hold. We are all so much more than we appear to be.