Your Life

Your Life

Imagine it’s a Friday afternoon and tomorrow, Saturday you’re putting on a show for people who are very, very important to you. You want to do your best. They are going to be watching. You’re excited, full of great intentions. You want to shine.

You’ll be playing a solo with the band only you don’t know how to play any instrument. You’ll be given the instrument just before playing and you’ll give it your best. You’re going to give a solo on an instrument you don’t even know how to play. Instead of feeling scared or apprehensive, you’re actually excited.

Then, in the afternoon, you’ll be performing in a play only you have not memorized any lines. No script. You’ll be up there, on the stage, improvising and under the gaze of those who love you. They’ll be in the audience. You’ve been waiting for this moment!

No small task is ahead of you. You know there will be challenges. You know there will be moments when you think ‘I just can’t do this. It’s just too tough, too demanding. I need more faith to take this leap into the unknown. I’m not equipped.’

You are well equipped. You’ve been given helpers to guide, inspire and encourage you. They will help you play that instrument and say the right lines! Imagine that. When you feel you haven’t got the energy/drive/wisdom/patience, you just have to turn to them and ask for whatever you need to take the next step. You see, hear and feel them with your insight, not your eyesight. That’s the key thing to remember.

There may even be moments when you forget that those helpers are there. You actually forget! Seems almost impossible to forget such an important thing but you do. Panic or fear or both may well up inside you. Other times, even though you don’t forget, you can’t hear them. Those moments are usually when there’s lots of noise around you. You just can’t hear them properly. But, you know they talk to you in lots of ways and are always communicating with you even if you aren’t listening. And then, usually when the noise just gets way too loud and your heart starts to hurt, you stop and take a break. And then something amazing happens. You feel them again. You hear them again and you remember you’re not alone. You remember to ask. And you know you can pick up that random instrument in front of that whole audience and play. And you will do just fine because you are trying your best with pure intention and trust that something bigger than you is guiding and loving you. So you let go of fear and play.

And that’s your life.