Going Home

Going Home

When we die, we go home.   From the moment we step from our physical bodies, we are surrounded by deceased family members or friends or pets or all of the above, if we so choose. Our consciousness is still very much alive only now there is less restriction. Gravity doesn’t hold us down.

Amazing no? What's amazing is how much havoc we've created because we've forgotten this simple fact.

It is essential to know that life continues after death.  If we believe there is nothing after death, we’ll be stuck in a kind of limbo that is dictated by our beliefs.  If we believe we will see our loved ones, we most surely will.  As they come to the portal of light and extend their hand to us, we will feel comforted, loved and safe in their care.  There may also be angels and guides to help us along our journey.

The important thing is to know that death is not the end.  It is the return home. Here is an excerpt from Conversations with Chloe.  Chloe is speaking:

We are totally alive. Totally. Please stop getting so hysterical about our passing. Oh, and by the way, I’ve coined a new phrase to describe dying. I call it pushing the reset button. That’s what it is—a reset. Very 21st century, no?

We keep creating, we keep growing and we keep evolving. We are not slumbering in some kind of suspended state, unless we really believe we will do that. In that case, our beliefs shape the experience we initially have once we die. When we’re ready, we come out of that dream bit by bit, realize we’re dead and begin living again. Sound simple?

Keep talking to us, keep talking about us and keep us alive. Here’s a concept you may not have heard before: Take the picture of a saint—let’s say Jesus. The more you gaze lovingly on his picture, pray to him and speak to him, the more you increase the power of that picture no matter where it exists on the planet. Is that a concept or what? That representation actually takes on more value as more people adore it. Such is the power of collective thought. It can also work in reverse, creating havoc and suffering if enough people focus on destructive thoughts. Don’t underestimate your thoughts; they create real stuff. They create the collective consciousness that drives events.

There is no hell. Hell exists on earth, right now, right around the next corner. Just take a look at the evening news.

When you pray, you create a beam of light that shoots out into the universe. This is how we find you and communicate with you. It is a beautiful thing to see.

Everything we think, say and do as human beings is known. There are virtually no secrets. Remember that. When you review your life, it’ll all be right there in front of you. And you will review, the better to process, plan, and regroup before the next adventure.

Our pets will greet us if that’s what we believe will happen. In fact, whatever we believe is what happens. That’s why it’s essential to examine those beliefs before pressing that reset button.

Make it a grand exit, not a painful one. Believe it or not, you control that. You write the program, select the scenario and press the button when you’re ready.

We are shifting towards death as a celebratory event. It won’t be that way for everyone, but for more and more, it will be that way. Mark these words. Saint Augustine is rolling his eyes. “It’s about time!” he says. It’s only been 1,600 years since he wrote that the dead are just in the next room. Religious doctrines designed to instill fear and obedience have done much harm, creating a whole pack of untruths about death that disempower and frighten us. This is changing—finally.

Finally.  Thanks Clo. You said it better than I ever could.