Signs From Across The Veil

So many signs, so much communication, it’s time to record some of it and share it. The
purpose? To help us remember that our loved ones who’ve left their bodies behind, are close
by, loving us, sharing in our joys and sorrows and encouraging us in so many ways.

Feb 2022 – Sign from Chloe
A couple of days before the anniversary of Chloe’s passing, I decided to book a session online
with a wonderful medium, Fairouz. Fairouz was incredibly accurate and it was a very
heartwarming, powerful session up until she said, ‘Chloe wants to thank’ and then Fairouz
started naming people I didn’t know. It threw me off a little but I just recorded their names,
knowing that things are not always obvious at the moment of the reading.
A day later, Elizabeth, co-founder of Helping Parents Heal (HPH), asked me if I’d like to write a
tribute to Chloe for the upcoming anniversary of her passing. Yes, I said enthusiastically. I
wrote the piece and sent it in. A few days later I went onto the HPH Facebook page and there
was the tribute I had written. And then I froze. Remember those names Fairouz had said Chloe
was thanking? They had all written lovely comments under my short piece. Yup – she thanked
them before I had even written and submitted the piece.

Nov 2021 – Sign from Chloe
On the anniversary of her birth, I always remind Chloe to meet me at a certain time and place. I
start reminding her a few days before – as if she’ll forget! Ha! On this particular day, the
weather was absolutely awful. Freezing rain, a cold, steel grey sky and high winds. I
approached our designated park bench with some trepidation as I didn’t want to go sit on that
bench in the awful weather. I went anyway. Nothing. Not a peep. Not a feeling. Frozen solid, I
got back in my car feeling a bit sad and that’s when I heard ‘Mom, you’ve got the right road
‘Thanks Clo’, I said, not really understanding her comment. 2 days later, I’m at a friend’s house
and am looking at her generously stocked library, wondering what book to borrow. A book ‘The
Journey Home’ by Kryon almost falls into my hands so I give a small laugh and say ‘Well, I guess
this is the one I’m going to read.’
The book describes a man who’s given a map to find his way home. This map only shows his
next step, nothing more. The idea is to follow the nudge, have faith and know that the way will
be shown. That’s when Chloe’s birthday message made sense and I knew that I was supposed
to read that book and connect those dots. I love the way this sign built over a few days.

August 2022 – Sign from Chloe

We’re at the Helping Parents Heal convention in Arizona. I’m doing a Sound Lounge in the
room with the slide show that plays music and runs almost 900 pictures of our children in Spirit.
Each child is on the screen for about 2 ½ seconds. This room is popular and the slideshow
incredibly touching.
The computer equipment conks out so I jump in and volunteer my laptop to play the power
point for the duration of the convention. That also meant I had to start and stop the
presentation every day. On the second morning, I couldn’t get the power point to play properly.
Finally, totally exasperated after trying to make the hardware work, I look up at the screen and
who’s picture is frozen there on the screen? Yup, my lovely Chloe.
I run down the hall to fetch my partner cuz who would believe this one? We go back to the
room and she’s still there on the screen. I ask, ‘ Clo, how did you do that?’ ‘Mom,’ she
answers, ‘you make it so easy’.
Right then I knew my mission in life is to help make it easy for others to connect with their
loved ones in Spirit.

January 2023 – Emma
I never met Emma while she was in the body but I had met her mother Claudia. The night
before leaving on a sailing trip to the British Virgin Islands, I dug out a lovely ring of glass beads
that Claudia had made for me. I sent her a note, telling her I was going to wear the ring on my
trip. ‘That was our last destination as a family’, she wrote back. ‘We were on a cruise and went
to the BVI together.’ A first lovely sign.
During the trip, we had a very rough day at sea and it was only the sailing prowess of my
partner that kept up afloat. As I was clinging to the stern, being seasick, I could feel Chloe on
one arm and Emma on the other, telling me I had more to accomplish and that I would live to
tell that tale and more.
Once thankfully back on dry land, a remarkable thing happened. I had a lucid dream that Emma
came to get me and we went swimming with the dolphins. It was exhilarating and an
experience I will remember always. Joyful, free, beyond words.
The next morning I emailed Claudia and told her about my lucid dream. She said, ‘Andrea,
when we were in the BVI, Emma had an opportunity to swim with the dolphins but she refused,
saying she would only swim with dolphins that were free, not captive.’ ‘Well’, I said, ‘she’s
swimming with them now.’ 🙂
More signs to follow soon…