Sound In The Boardroom

Sound In The Boardroom

Several months ago I gave a sound meditation demonstration to a company administrative board.  A dozen people sat around the large boardroom table. The chairs, thankfully, had high backs and great ergonomics.  Participants were comfortable.  Not too warm.  Not too cold.  Some removed their shoes. After this demo, they were having their weekly meeting in that same room.

I laid out all my instruments, took off my shoes and off we went.  At one point, a thought came to assault me that sounded something like ‘Oh Andrea, you look like such an idiot.  Here you are walking around a boardroom in your socks when you used to run the boardroom meetings.’ Ah, doubt crept in. I took a breath. ‘I’m here.  There are no coincidences.  I’m here.  There are no coincidences.’  I love this work.  Focus on that.

The session ended and I silently gathered my things and left while participants still sat quietly with their eyes closed. I wondered how their meeting would unfold.

Several hours later, emails came in. The meeting was like none other they had ever had. There was peace in the room. It had been productive and calm, conducted in a state of harmony. Raising the vibratory level of participants had the effect of literally putting them on the same wavelength and dissolving personal and interpersonal stress.

Imagine if we took 5-10 minutes at the beginning of a business meeting to dissolve some of the stress in the room? It’s as simple as lowering the lights, tuning in to 528hz frequency music, breathing deeply and doing a few minutes of sound meditation.  No need to close eyes or remove shoes.  Remember when we were kids and we used to sing the national anthem every morning?  That served to open us up with sound, the sound of our voices.  It united the classroom and was a positive way to start the day. Perhaps the time has come to bring sound into the boardroom.

If you’d like to begin this practice but are unsure how to facilitate it, drop me an email at  One virtual face to face session together should be all we need.