Sound Healing


Come enjoy the benefits of high vibration sound.  Reduce your stress and boost your sense of deep inner peace as you listen to Andrea’s guidance as well as the enchanting music.

Every Wednesday at 1:15 pm, starting September 18th at META1111 Yoga Studio, 5440 Queen Mary Road #103 (just west of Decarie) in NDG.

Chairs are provided however…if you have a zero gravity long chair, bring it! That will provide the ultimate meditation physical comfort and enhance your experience.  The studio is on the ground floor so no trudging upstairs with your chair.  A yoga mat is also an alternative.  Please bring a shawl and as the weather gets colder, slippers or thick socks.

The session lasts one hour and the very reasonable fee structure is controlled by Meta1111.  Please call 514-484-1111 or go to

To learn more about sound meditation, have a listen to Andrea’s interview on Saturday August 24th with Tracey McKee of CJAD.


With thanks and gratitude,



2 thoughts on “Sound Healing

  1. Hello Andrea,

    I caught the tail-end of your conversation with Tracy on CJAD. You mentioned something about giving a course in Verdun (Wellington Street boutique for the Douglas Hospital). Is this open to the public? l live in Verdun and would be interested to attend.
    We haven’t met in many years but we did cross paths frequently in the Laird Bldg. I worked with the architects just down the hall from your office!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I am surprised that I didn’t receive this email properly. My apologies. I just clicked this morning and saw your note. The session in Verdun is a private one however I do a weekly public session Wednesdays at 1pm, studio meta 1111 5440 Decarie Blvd. I realize most people are working and we will shortly be adding an evening session. If you’re interested,I could keep you in the loop. Again, my apologies for only seeing this now…All the best, Andrea

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